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Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
I am wondering about how to lighten the load. Assuming lighter is faster so yes I am curious about carbon fiber and how it relates to my lap time performance.
weight reduction
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
I have yet to try to skin a carbon part.
I have read that some folks have trouble skinning them. Is there a trick to it or what?
I really love skinnng, as much as driving is an art, driving in your own paint offers its own rewards
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Breaking points must be earlyier with less weight?
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
time after-all, is a most valuable commodity when hundreth's matter.
I am not sure I like the knowledge of carbon codes.
I enjoy learning the limits of the corner, the freaking great feel it gives me coming out of the corner in competition.... woah!
do carbon fiber parts..? [offer a significant weight reduction?]
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
offer a significant weight reduction? I mean, how much weight do i save on the car by using carbon fiber parts? Is there a weight ratio chart anywhere to look at? Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but I am needing every edge I can get to catch you guys. How you are gaining, 3 t0 4 seconds a lap on me can't just be in the chicanes, I am driving through the exits. It must be involve weight reduction? Getting up to speed quicker? something..
Also I just wanted to say to all of you good drivers out there, that racing clean against you folks is the most fun I have in regular day.
When we are all coming into the corner a little hot, then escape through the exit with courtesy for each other clean, man that to me is fun
Every once in a while...
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Alt -s, bugs me! I mean, here I am skinning, in detail, when suddenly out of nowhere, (owner/operator), an error is made.
I hit alt-s and let me tell ya, you got to remember to let off the gas (left mouse), sometimes.
Say, isn't having 50 skins to work with the freak'n the best!? I am loving it!
But I got a question, might sound dumb or lazy but, can I alter a skin once I have shared it online?
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Well Gentlemen, you might be proud to know that with your help and some work on my part, I am getting the hang of it. Although I am beginning to feel a bit like what the old lady's called Gary Cooper in that movie when they put him on trial for giving his money to the poor. Pixelated,
Its amazing how much detail you can get into while skinning. I have begun to pin-stripe my skins down to the pixel. A bit time consuming but a hell of a lot of fun.
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
I like the idea But I noticed you mentioned North America without remembering Canada.
Everyone knows Canadian Drivers Rule! (the best!)
Seriously though, one of the things I like best about racing (lfs) online is the chance to race with the best from all over. When the light goes green, Go!
It adds to the challange.
wheel driver only races
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
As an option, would it be possible to limit race entrants to a wheel n pedals only, race? or a keyboard only or whatever. I got nothing against a keyboard n mouse, or a gamepad. I have plenty of practice with both, Its just that I believe its a different race depending on the controls one is using. So, the option would be.... far out!
I would like to have a bit more control over the field when setting up a race.
I am not trying to be exclusionary, but I guess I am trying to tighten the field a bit. Just a thought.
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
First, sorry for the lateness of my reply. Second, "TY" ya'll, your help has been invaluable. And Third, well, third is the driver I always seem to be chasing.
I have managed to design my first attempt and am working on my second skin. I am starting to get a handle on how it all works, but I am wondering about the best method to layer decals and such. What I have been doing, is opening a separate layer for each decal. Is this the right way? or, should I be using a "decal layer"?
Also, if I wanted say, candy apple red, does adding shade's of solid colors in layers, give a depth perception to the overall finish? Just wondering
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Attack the corner (in question) differently, tire wear aside.
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Haiku, Ha! would I be so lucky!
After race spirit ramblings at best.
Haiku, ( heh, heh )
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Ok I'm back, been practicing and have learned alot, but one thing is still Fn me up. When I am using the wire frame layer, is there a way to mark a point, on the layer below somehow, (for refural)? What I mean is, If we wanted to map out a perticular section of the, wire frame layer, to the paint layer below it, How? do we?
We can trace the sections we want to other layers and use them that way...
I know but , was wondering about a shortcut between the layers/planes. Kind of a waypoint :auto: marker, or something?
By the way, it will be great to race in my own design, (I, will hit the enter?exit points faster and cleaner), in a skin I designed myself It gives me more pride in the ride somehow
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Aahh.. I see, ok, thanks guys guess it's back to the old drawing board for me then I'll work on it some more. Thanks again
using layers and skin packs?
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
When using the wireframe kits, am I suppose to paint over the wire frame itself or am I suppose to paint on a created layer? When I added a layer over the wire frame I wasn't able to fill the polygon's of the template. And when I painted the wire frame itself It shows through in the viewer and looks like crap. What am I doing wrong? I am using the Gimp 2.6. Is it a merge layer thing that I'm missing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
NotAnIllusion aint lie'n
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
If you have ever dreamed of racing,
You are in the right place, LFS
This game gets me closer to my dream like nothing else,
I Will get you comin out the corner, (clean)
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Apostrophies for the Zappa factor only
And your right,... choice of tunes varies with driver/approach.
Into and outof the corner..but ya gotta admit... Rob Z's tunes are rockin
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
What would be a good name for that kind of server?
I suggest, "after practice"
could be a Cup, and everything
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
A race for shifters only, is a neat option.
Changing that gear manual, makes that corner a whole new ball game\

that reminds me....I should set up my steering for "1" hand control.

A gentlemens agreement that every racer drives stick should be enough. But, to keep it honest....Bunder9999 is ahead of the curve:gt:
The winners circle is more sweet somehow in manual
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
When you get the time Astro, If you aint hear'd Rob Zombie before....
Then check it out and the tell me, it ain't the best drivi'n tunes ever
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Sure would put a whole real aspect to the win though,
What do you think?
Remember Flint?
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Flint had a car that could bend around the corners, :dogrun:
I guess, if I am wishing, I wanna scream around the corner,
Slam er into the pits in front of Control, Pick up 99, and blast back into the fray with nary a second lost.
Truth be told, LFS has it all,
The only true improvement I can think of, is in my technique
"Someday I will be #1":jedi:
Working the clutch.....
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
When I first started with my wheel n pedals, the lure of the paddles was over-whelming. Working on my racing line in standard, has slowed me for now.
When I place, in manual, its gonna feel so good
"But God...I Hate those mis-shifts"
Rob Zombie... best drive'n tunes or what!
Wm. Peddle
S2 licensed
Don't want to hep it! Rob Z is best, when hit'n the corner hot on the heels!